A History of HRP
July 2018:
Health Resource Partners (HRP) is founded by Britany Ferrell and founding board members, Cynthia Wolfe & Dr. Bernard Ziem.
July 2018:
Partnerships with Local Ghanaian Organizations: Future-Trends Foundation & SAVE-Ghana
November 2018:
Commencement of Lawra District Needs Assessment.
The assessment reveals that local communities are most deprived of access to lighting, vaccines, and safe places to give birth.
August 2019:
Partnership with Skyways Baskets, founded by David Aniah.
November 2019:
HRP’s first official Ghana visit, supplying four maternity beds to four different rural clinics.Local communities celebrates our partnership with a durbar (comm unity festival).
February 2020:
Our first Benefit Party and Auction, raising money to support babies, mothers and families in Sub-Saharan Africa.
March 2020:
HRP sponsors the installation of seven touch-less handwashing stations (“Tippy Taps”) in rural villages to help Ghanaians practice safe hand hygiene and curb the spread of COVID-19.
May 2020: