Future trends foundation

Future-Trends Foundation was created by a group of friends in August 2017 to provide an evidence-based approach in influencing the health and well-being of the local underserved community. As a registered NGO, Future-Trends undertakes activities within its coverage areas through community profiling, strategic planning, project management, monitoring and evaluation, research work, proposal writing, training, seminars and conferences.
Future-Trends Foundation works hard to serve the underserved. The group adopted “only the brave triumph” as its slogan. Bravery as used here does not refer to physical bravery, but to the belief that anyone or any group of people can create an idea that has the possibility to grow into a movement and a lifestyle. Future-Trends Foundation is made up entirely of Ghanaian healthcare professionals who are highly motivated to provide the resources and knowledge to improve health outcomes in the remote, rural areas of Ghana.

Lawrence Bagrmwin
Chief Executive Officer
Lawrence Bagrmwin is a Nurse Practitioner from the Upper West Region of Ghana. He entered into the Ghana Health Service in 2005 and has since worked in multiple hospital systems and healthcare facilities throughout the Upper West. Lawrence has been instrumental in the creation of several specialized clinics in the region including a Diabetic-Hypertension clinic, a Geriatric Health Clinic and an Adolescent Health Clinic.
Lawrence is also training nurses and midwives at several local colleges and serves as the Second Vice Chairman for the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA). In 2017, the Upper West Regional Health Directorate nominated Lawrence to represent the region at the Princess Srinagarindra Awards (PSA) in the national capital, Accra, as the best practicing nurse.

Elvis B. Kuunifaa
Executive Officer in-charge Planning
Elvis Bangkewa Kuunifaa is a native of the Nandom District of the Upper West Region of Ghana and attended the University of Cape Coast’s Nursing Training College. Since graduating, Elvis has worked as a nurse within the Lawra District Hospital system where he is the Nurse Manager at the Babile Polyclinic. Elvis helps the Future-Trends Foundation CEO run the organization.

Evans Ibn Samba
Executive Secretary
Evans Ibn Samba is from the Upper West Region of Ghana. He graduated from the University of Cape Coast’s Nursing Training College, is a member of the African Center for Capacity Building, and has a certificate in Human Resource Management. He is the assistant secretary and head of the editorial team of the Ghana Registered Nurses’ and Midwives’ Association (GRNMA), national secretary of the Jirapa Area Students’ Union (JASU), general secretary of the Health Sciences Education Students’ Association (HESESA), and the acting DDNS of Lawra district hospital.
He is currently a nurse educator at the Nursing Training College in Lawra. In Future-Trends Foundation, Evans acts as secretary of the foundation. His core responsibilities include project reviews, project implementation, data management, and human resource management.Evans Ibn Samba is from the Upper West Region of Ghana. He graduated from the University of Cape Coast’s Nursing Training College, is a member of the African Center for Capacity Building, and has a certificate in Human Resource Management.
He is the assistant secretary and head of the editorial team of the Ghana Registered Nurses’ and Midwives’ Association (GRNMA), national secretary of the Jirapa Area Students’ Union (JASU), general secretary of the Health Sciences Education Students’ Association (HESESA), and the acting DDNS of Lawra district hospital. He is currently a nurse educator at the Nursing Training College in Lawra. In Future-Trends Foundation, Evans acts as secretary of the foundation. His core responsibilities include project reviews, project implementation, data management, and human resource management.

Frederick Dun-dery
Executive Research Officer
Frederick Dun-dery is from the Nandom District of the Upper West Region. He graduated from St. John Bosco Training College at the Catholic University of Ghana and is currently a research fellow at the Institute of Public Health Ruprecht-Karls University, Heidelberg. Frederick has competences in Microsoft Office, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS), In Vivo software, and Basic STATA.
He has held many organizational positions including administrator at UDS Health Service, Navrongo & Nyankpala Clinics; volunteer field officer, Y-PES Ghana with the American Peace Corps; administrative support service, Ghana Health Service, Sunyani Municipal Directorate; and professional teacher in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Frederick has two publications to his credit: a book and peer-reviewed article. In Future-Trends Foundation, Frederick is the research officer and sees to the development of research proposals, publication of empirical evidence, outsourcing projects, and conducting research conferences.

Roger Kuutero Kaburu
Executive Finance Officer
Roger Kuutero Kaburu is a native of Lawra in the Upper West Region of Ghana and a graduate of the Catholic University of Ghana, the Community Health Nursing Training College. He has competencies in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, SPSS and Epi-Info. Roger worked with Ghana Health Service for nine years practicing as community health nurse until he joined the Ministry of Health as a health tutor at the Midwifery Training College, Jirapa.
Currently, he facilitates theoretical teaching and practical training for midwifery students in public health and research methods. In Future-Trends Foundation, Roger is the head of finance. His responsibilities include budgeting, bids for projects, and sourcing for funding of the Foundation’s activities.